Hornets Nest Restaurant

356 W. Main St., Rossville, IN

Overall:B(3.5/5.0 stars)
Value:B+(4.0/5.0 stars)
Atmosphere:B-(3.2/5.0 stars)
Service:B+(4.0/5.0 stars)
Taste:B(3.5/5.0 stars)
Presentation:B-(3.2/5.0 stars)

Reuben Details

Sandwich Name: Classic Reuben Sandwich ($3.55)

Menu Description: none

Review -

Review Date: Mar 22, 2003

Overall:B(3.5/5.0 stars)
Value:B+(4.0/5.0 stars)
Atmosphere:B-(3.2/5.0 stars)
Service:B+(4.0/5.0 stars)
Taste:B(3.5/5.0 stars)
Presentation:B-(3.2/5.0 stars)

The Reuben arrived on a plate with the additional curly fries that accidentally arrived due to an ordering snafu. The sandwich was on some sort of rye that was a bit overpowering at first. Initially I couldn't even taste the sauerkraut because of the bread. Soon I became accustomed to the flavor of the bread and the flavor of the corned beef and sauerkraut became apparent. The sauerkraut was average, and the corned beef was pretty good. On a side note, the onion rings my wife ordered were first rate. Definitely some of the best ever.