Central Pennsylvania
Clarion, PA to Mountville, PA
Sep 26, 2007
We ate the complimentary breakfast at the Comfort Inn, and then caravanned with Mom and Dad. We took I-80 eastbound to US-220. We took US-220 southbound toward Pleasant Gap, and took Pennsylvania 26 to catch Pennsylvania 144, which merged into US-322 eastbound.
We stopped to get gas at the Shell just north of Harrisburg (). Upon reaching I-81, we headed north a couple of miles and then south on I-83/I-283. We had kind of lost Mom and Dad heading out of the gas station, so we were driving kind of slow, waiting for them to catch up. We took Pennsylvania 283 eastbound toward Lancaster. We came into town on Mannheim Pike, and headed south on King Street/US-222 through town to the Willow Valley Resort (
), where Mom and Dad checked in to their lodging.
We all went to lunch at an out-of-the-way Subway (), where Chris had a 6-inch veggie sub, Katherine had a 12-inch veggie sub, Steven had a tuna sub and Andrew a turkey sub.
Dad joined us at choir practice back at Willow Valley, while Mom watched the boys in their room which overlooked the main seating area.
After choir practice, we drove out to Mountville. Our typical route was to take the road through Willow Valley Resort where the road changes to Shultz Road until it hits Pennsylvania 741. We traveled north on Millersville Road/741 to Columbia Avenue/462. From there, we preferred to take Running Pump Road up to Marietta Avenue/Pennsylvania 23, and over to Stony Battery Road to our hotel. We stayed at the MainStay Suites (), in room 113. It was a nice room with a separate bedroom with closet, a kitchen area, and a living room area with a fold-out sofa bed for the boys.
We got ready for opening night church services, and stopped for dinner on the way at the Four Seasons Pizzeria next door to the hotel ().